It's been eight days now since I celebrated my twenty-something(th) birthday. I know. I'm currently in this phase of my life where people generally tends to deny their age and just cannot accept the fact that they're getting older and older each year. Poor me! begin with, I wanna THANK God for giving me the opportunity to experience the beauty of life for twenty-six years(there you go) despite of its harshness. That even though transgression of any form, injustice, viciousness are about to embrace humankind, I still manage to act with transparency, and kindness. It's all because I learn to walk with Him and have FAITH. I trust Him more than anything in the world. I submit everything to Him--my failure, my frustrations, my heartaches, my fate, my destiny, my present and my future. With Him is my "ticket" to a great life, and by that, I mean life after death.
I can't thank Him enough for all the blessings He gave to me and my whole family so I bring back all the glory to Him. I wouldn't be the person that I am today without HIM--a Fighter, Believer and STRONGER. [Well, as I believe so.]
These past few weeks were the best week of my life, so far. =) I am very grateful that I am surrounded by real, sincere, genuine and loving people. I never thought that I have friends who'd pull such a surprise party.
No one has ever done that before. Ever. So to you babe (you know who you are), the mastermind of it all, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. Really. I appreciate the sweet gesture. I love you, you know that. And to the rest of the gang: Jaja, Paolo, Wella (my one and only ka-birthday), Ferds, Louie, Philmer, Ghilbert, Rica and Ian, who participated and took their time to create this special moment in mine and Wella's--THANK YOU! My heart is bursting with so much gratitude and joy. I love guys. Super! Ü
And to my G-Force family (Garampingat Force) who had never left, who had seen my pain and saw the worst and good in me, thank you for the birthday treat! :) I love you, guys forever!
I may have lost the one man I truly love(unfortunately for me), I still have these bunch of happy fools with me who loves me despite of my imperfections and flaws. They're all my TRUE and BEST friends.
Oh, let's not forget last Sunday's happening. There's this one guy, who's very, like VERY, special to my heart, who took me for a road trip on a Sunday morning. I've been so lucky enough for receiving such gifts. For one, a birthday surprise party from my HS friends. A birthday treat all expense paid by my college barkada. And now this! An ambush road trip! I could just die anytime now. HAHAHA. I feel so damn special!! Thank you, Smurfy! Ü Twas' the best ride of my life.

I've never felt this special on my birthday. I was well treated. I better had done good things for receiving such enormous acts of kindness and love! Thank you, sweet baby Jesus. You're awesome!! You really know how to make people so madly happy. Coz' I do. :) I love you, BIGTIME!! Ü
And to my Mom, whom I've had celebrated my birthday for 21 years, who couldn't possibly grace her presence physically on my birthday for she's abroad, that thought alone really made me completely sad. This was the fifth birthday that she was not here with me to enjoy it, however, I know that even we were million miles away and from a different time zone, in my heart she's with me, blowing my cake and wishing me that all my dreams would come true someday. I LOVE YOU MAMA! YOU ARE CERTAINLY THE BEST GIFT I EVER HAVE! I TERRIBLY MISS YOU! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
**Blowing infinite kisses to the sky** Hope it reaches the great state of Sacramento. =)
I have prepared my "Thank You Letter" to sweet baby Jesus weeks before August came, which I prepare yearly especially on this occasion, and as much as I'd really love to share it here online, I couldn't because it's too long and confidential. (Or perhaps too lazy to type it.) HAHAHA.
Nevertheless, all these would definitely go to my Thank You Letter. :) These are the moments I truly thank God that I'm alive. I'm just too HAPPY right now that I couldn't contain it no more. I'm itching to write it! Hahaha.
**Blowing infinite kisses to the sky** Hope it reaches the great state of Sacramento. =)
I have prepared my "Thank You Letter" to sweet baby Jesus weeks before August came, which I prepare yearly especially on this occasion, and as much as I'd really love to share it here online, I couldn't because it's too long and confidential. (Or perhaps too lazy to type it.) HAHAHA.
Nevertheless, all these would definitely go to my Thank You Letter. :) These are the moments I truly thank God that I'm alive. I'm just too HAPPY right now that I couldn't contain it no more. I'm itching to write it! Hahaha.
til my next post! :)
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